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The Eternally Triumphant Imagination

"Only a lack of imagination saves me from immobilizing myself with imaginary fears."
~ Anonymous

The sphere of Victory or Eternity (Nezah) on the Tree of Life is referred to as the Magical Intelligence. This is the eternally victorious energy of human and divine imagination without which nothing can manifest in the physical world. Victory represents the energy that conjures up the beauties of Nature and gives rise to creative and artistic impulses. It is the realm of romance and sensuality, poetry and art, feelings and emotions. It is the playground of the lovely Venus and her irresistible magical charms.

The words Imagination and magic both derive from the word magi. The magi were the ancient Persian and Chaldean mystics and priests who relied heavily on this form of image-making capability of the human psyche. The magic of imagination is not the sleight of the hand type of magic. Imagination is a gift bestowed upon all human beings to one degree or another and it is an extremely powerful instrument that can be used for both good and evil. We must therefore pay careful attention to what we hold in our imagination, because our imagination has creative powers and can bring about good or bad physical manifestations into our lives. Today, medical experts are harnessing this powerful faculty of imagination and visualization to heal many illnesses and even cancer. .

Dr. Mitra makes a conscious effort to engage the artistic sphere of Victory and the power of creative imagination in all her work. One of the branches of the T.R.E.E. (Dr. Mitra's educational foundation) is called Enlightenment thru Entertainment and it aims at the presentation of ancient spiritual wisdom and modern psychological insights through the medium of entertainment. She participated in the making of a one-hour video called Seeking the Rose, a wonderful rendition of the perennial tale portraying the human struggle with illusions, and the process of inner growth, awakening, and liberation. Dr. Mitra also wrote and performed a short satirical play called The Wonderful Aroma of Gondi, which received standing ovations. One of her true life stories titled Our Brother Mohammad is being considered for production as a play or short film. For more information, please look at Books, Audio and Videotapes.

Victory is also the powerhouse of feelings and emotions. Thoughts and Ideas might inspire us, but without the power of emotions, nothing can be put in motion. This is where mastery over our emotions gains extreme significance. Without such mastery, we cannot evolve and grow to higher levels of consciousness. Victory over harmful negative emotions will determine if we evolve or devolve. To vanquish harmful emotions and impulses, we need great perseverance and endurance — two of the other connotations of the Hebrew word Nezah. For a quick uplift of your emotions and a boost to your imagination, check out Dr. Mitra's sampling of her favorite jokes, cartoons, quotes, poetry and music in Enlightenment thru Entertainment.

About Dr. Mitra
Professional Services
Books, Audio & Video
Mystic Journeys
Enlightenment thru Entertainment
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