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TestimonialsPraise for Dr. Mitra's Work"The only way to escape the personal corruption of praise is to go on working."
~ Albert Einstein
Dear Dr. Mitra,
"As always, I feel excellent after talking
to you. Thanks for all your positive energy… Even thinking
about you and imagining you in my mind makes me feel
better. Thank you for everything you do for me. I have
never seen any person so compassionate, kind and thoughtful
in my life. I consider myself blessed to know you and
learn from you... Thank you very much for all your
help and being so kind to me… You deserve the best,
because you are the best. I love you."
~ Mary S.
"Thank you so much for the transformation you have caused in my Mom… she is a woman that I can not recognize! I am so blessed and so happy with the person that she has become, and I know that I owe a very big part of that to you. Just wanted to thank you!"
~ Peter M.
"Mitra is what I would call
a truly gifted spiritual teacher, one of a very few
on the planet at any given time... She has dedicated
her life both to helping raise the spiritual awareness
of those that are interested, and the exposing of fundamentalist
thought in all societies and cultures, that thought
that seeks to prevent the many from fully experiencing
true soul knowledge. I can tell you she leaves no group
untouched, and has received many death threats, both
here in the U.S. and abroad. She lives her life with
a purpose very few people are willing to stick their
necks out for."
~ William A. Dosta, Jr.
![]() With Dr. Dan and Dr. Bob in the educational film: Seeking The Rose "Thank you for the good advice
you have given me. I am changing, growing, very happy
inside… A candle loses nothing of its light by lighting
another candle. You are one of them. Love, Neena."
~ Neena
"Thank you for all you’ve done. You have changed my life in many ways and I can never repay you for it."
~ Daniel M.
"Mitra has a brilliant mind!
She loves mankind and thinks and lives her words! That
'treatise' she wrote should be on the front page of
every newspaper, every day for a month! She certainly
'sees' the problem, clearly! These are the kinds of
minds I wish were running the government! People who
want to better the World! She loves people and speaks
the truth! Without being condescending!! Mitra should
write a book…"
~ Veva Kirkham
"May we be blessed with your wisdom and humor and find our true self somehow throughout all your messages. May you always live in peace, love and joy.
With love..."
~ Anoosheh Mostafaii
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صبر بسيار ببايد پدر پير فلک را
که دگر مادر گيتى چو تو فرزند بزايد خانم دکتر ميترا مقبوله يکى از بانوان نادره مىباشند که در ميان جامعه ما داراى چنين استعداد سرشارى هستند. مطالبى که در کتاب «چلچراغ» به رشته تحرير درآورده اند بسيار مهم و جالب توجه است. متأسفم که به علت کسالت مزاجى نتوانستم حق مطلب را چنانکه بايد ادا کنم. حاخام يديديا شوفط
خانم دکتر عزیز
هرگز نمیتوانم روزی را که برای اولین بار صدای گرم و مهربان شما را شنیدم فراموش کنم . صدائی که روح خسته مرا نوازش داد و آهنگ آن به زندگیم معنا بخشید . به که میتوان گفت و در کجا میتوان نوشت اینهمه پاکی , صداقت , ایثار و تواضع را؟ با کدام قلم و در کدام کتاب ؟ با کدام زبان وکدام کلام ؟ هیچکدام قادر نیست عظمت این روح بزرگ را بتصویر بکشد . اما من خیلی خوشبختم که دستی اینگونه مهربان قلب خسته ام را نوازش میکند و صدائی که ملودی آن روح تازه ای به وجودم میبخشد .شکر گذار خدایی هستم که بمن نظر لطف داشت ویکی از فرشته هایش را برای تسلی قلب پریشان من فرستاد تا عطر وجودش مرا از دنیای ناباوری ها راهی شهر عشق و نور کند . سپاس خدایی را که عادل است وقادر , شکر پروردگاری که بار دگر در زندگی من با چنین هدیه ای معجزه آفرید. ومن تا دنیا دنیاست این عشق با ارزش را چون گنجی در قلب خود نگهداری میکنم ژاله
"I know Mitra as a fine knowledgeable
teacher, writer, adviser, and an enchantingly sweet
lady. Her knowledge and memory are admirable.
I consider her a gift to our community of Iranians,
and a good supporter of worthy causes, who makes us
proud. I not only love her a lot, but also admire her
immensely. I could go on and on…"
~ Parvaneh Y.
"I'm proud of your ability to consider both views and I’m honored to know someone so concerned with improving the cause of all."
~ Don Morgan
"I salute you for your wisdom, for your depth of perception, for your objectivity and for your courage. I am honored to know you..."
~ Shahriar Shahriari
"You always inspire me with your lovely and unique emails. I just felt that I needed to share my feeling with you. I have had a very rough day with my mother and I was feeling very lonely in my heart , and just when I opened your email I felt god is talking to me. Thank you sooooooooooooo much for being my messenger. You are the best!"
~ Katayoun S.
"Kudos to you, Mitra. You spread good cheer with so many of your e-messages. Instead of hording them, deleting them, or just "sitting on them" you send out the inspirational, humorous, beautiful, and entertaining ones for people like me to enjoy again and again. Thank you for your thoughtfulness, generosity, and open-mindedness. Most Gratefully..."
~ Edward Yatwood
لذتى كه از خواندن آخرين نوشته شما، «درخلوتگاه عشق الهى» نصيبم شد حكايتى ديگراست.
بسيارى اين اثر را درحد يك شاهكار ناب خوانده اند و لذت برده اند. .
__دكتر هوشنگ ابرامى
نويسنده كتاب خاك خوب خدا
از خواندن آخرين مقاله شما نفسم پر پرواز گرفت... به كلامت حرمت و به وجودت نثار مىفرستم.
__بانو پروانه صراف، نويسنده و محقق
چه لذت بردم از مقاله طنز و پرمغز شما، «آيا خداى يهود بيمار است؟»...
آفرين گفتم كه با قلمى استوار و با منطقى بر پايه حقايق استوار، مطالبى را روشن كرده ايد
كه دانستن آنها بر همه نيك انديشان لازم و واجب است. ...
__استاد محمد زرنگار, پژوهشگر و نويسنده
"I think you are remarkable, brilliant, compassionate, and we live too far apart. Warm regards..."
~ Irwin
"Excellent comments; I fully support your viewpoint on this subject. I was impressed by your comments on this subject and so far I have forwarded to over 100 in my list. Excellent work."
~ Hooshang M.
"Great Article and even greater points addressed. That’s why I love you so much.
Dastet dard nakoneh! Thanks..."
~ Homa Sarshar
"A powerful and important message Mitra. Thank you for sending it. I have sent it to the hundreds on my list..."
~ Howard Shapiro
"I read your article that was written to your friend Ronald. The fact is that there are not too many Jews that are not one sided on Israeli/Palestinian issue and I congratulate you on that.
Please continue your excellent work and I wish you success."
~ Khosrow Aghaii
"I hope that your ears were ringing, last night. While at Merle and Nasi's home last night, we were singing your high praises as an extraordinary human being, excellent public speaker, consummate "communicator" and entertaining sage. We all agreed too that you would have been the best qualified keynote speaker for our event that we are planning!"
~ Ed Young
"Just want to thank you for the wonderful emails, without them, I would get
DEPRESSION. With Love..."
~ Ahmad
![]() Accepting the Woman of the Year Award, 2005 ![]()
به روح بلندت كه از سرچشمه فياض محبت خدايى مفيوض و از نوك خامه درافشانت بر صفحه كاغذ نقش مىپذيرد، به رسم يادگار تقديم مىدارم:
جمالت را نمىبينم، كمالات ترا بينم
كه ديده بسته از آنم، ولى دلداده بر اينم
سخنهايت به گوش جان مناجاتى ز توحيد است
كه از هر يك چشم دل همه آيات حق بينم
چنان شيرين بيانى، اين سخن شيرين به شيرينى
كه در كام دلى شيرين به شيرينى شيرينم
نميدانم چه شد يارب! كه از يك نور عرفانى
فروپاشيد ازهم تاب صبر و تمكينم
عبدالله طالع همدانى
سرکار بانو دکتر میترا مقبوله گرامی
با درود فراوان و با آرزوی تندرستی و شادکامی برای شما بانوی فرزانه، نوشتۀ بسیار محققانه و استادانۀ شما را با ذوق و شوق فراوان خواندم . صمیمانه به شما شادباش می گویم. این نوشته بسیار خوب و بسیار آموزنده و در عین حال به یادماندنی است.
بار دیگر صمیانه ترین شادباش خود را حضورتان تقدیم می دارم و برای شما بانوی فرزانه سعادت و نیک بختی آرزو می کنم، و امیدوارم دست از تلاش و کوشش خود برندارید و به کار پر بارتان ادامه دهید که ما نیازمند اینگونه کارهای عالی پژوهشی هستیم.
دوستدار و ارادتمند – هوشنگ معین زاده
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Copyright © 2008 Dr. Mitra Makbuleh |