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The Formation of the Universe and the Shaping of our Personalities

"With All Thy Getting, Get Understanding."
~ Wisdom of Solomon (Proverbs 4:7)

The sphere of Understanding (Binah) on the Tree of Life is called the Sanctifying Intelligence. The intelligence of this sphere of energy is called "sanctifying" because it selects (= makes sacred) from amongst the boundless inspirations and abstract ideas showered upon it by the opposite sphere of Wisdom, and gives them definition, boundaries, and form.

Cosmologically speaking, the energy of Understanding or Binah provides the building blocks for the preliminary steps in the act of Creation. This is where for the first time the abstract potentialities of the highest two spheres on the Tree of Life turn into ethereal blueprints capable of beginning the process of manifestation into the world of time and space. After being defined and nurtured in the womb of Binah/Understanding, these abstract concepts are projected into the other spheres below until eventually they become concrete realities and serve as the building of all and everything in the Universe.

Psychologically speaking, the sphere of Understanding represents the left hemisphere and the sphere of Wisdom represents the right hemisphere of the human brain — each with its own vital functions. The energy of Binah or Understanding endows the left hemisphere with the power of pure comprehension, communication, conceptual analysis, rational and pragmatic reasoning, and the ability to distinguish between truth and falsehood. The right brain provides the raw ideas and inspirations, and the left brain grasps and analyzes the ideas and prepares them for practical applications. We can have the loftiest ideas and the most inspired insights, but if we do not have the understanding of how to contain them in some practical form, we cannot accomplish anything.

The sphere of Binah/Understanding where things begin to take shape in a very subtle and ethereal way is also where our individual personalities begin to have a rudimentary definition. Our true essence which is Pure Light or Pure Consciousness needs a vehicle for its manifestation in time and space. Our personalities and our bodies are the multicolored vehicles used for this purpose. The more we understand others and ourselves, the better equipped we are to handle life's challenges.

Dr. Mitra cooperated for several years with an educational organization whose aim it was to bring a fuller understanding of the differences in human personalities through theatrical comedy and entertainment. The work of this organization was based on the Myers-Brigg's personality styles (originated by the Swiss psychoanalyst Carl Jung whose ideas were inspired to a considerable degree by the Kabbalah.). Dr. Mitra utilizes these types in her private consultations as well as in her entertaining seminars discussed in Professional Services and Enlightenment thru Entertainment.

About Dr. Mitra
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Books, Audio & Video
Mystic Journeys
Enlightenment thru Entertainment
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